Hacks For Travelling With Kids these Holidays

Tis the season to be jolly! Uhm… that could depend on how you tackle your next road trip with kids in tow. Traveling with kids may not always feel like that much of a holiday. So be prepared! Try to make the journey enjoyable for everyone. I can hear the ‘Mommy are we there yet” line ringing in my ear. I therefore went searching and … Continue reading Hacks For Travelling With Kids these Holidays

Kids and Scuba Diving

If children under the age of 12 are physically, mentally and emotionally able to handle the skills and understanding the knowledge needed to scuba dive and the thirst to learn, he or she should be able to get certified. In my experience with my kids, children today are learning concepts crucial to understanding the risks involved in scuba at a younger age than previous generations. … Continue reading Kids and Scuba Diving